Sunday 15 December 2013

Primary Research

Within my research I devised a questionnaire and handed it out to 10 16-24 year olds at my work and asked them to fill it in when on their break. I came up with some averages, for example out of those questioned, on average they watch at least 10 hours of TV and Film every week. 3 out of the 10 said that they preferred to watch it on a mobile device (iPhone,iPad) rather than TV. This was mainly due to the flexibility and that they can watch what they want whenever they choose. I also found that the most common genre of film is comedy within the age range. when filling out their questionnaire, I discovered  that only 2 out of the 10 would say that they go to the cinema over 2 times per month. When speaking face to face I found that the reasoning for this was the turn over of films coming out on DVD is getting quicker and quicker and also the ability to access the films illegally online as soon as they come into the cinemas. When asked what their favourite TV series was, 3 out of the 10 answered with Breaking Bad, this means that 33% of them have, not only seen it, but would say that it was their favourite TV series and the one which they most enjoy. When asked why this was the case some answers that I received were "I heard people talking about it so i felt as though I had to watch it". This is a prime example of word of mouth which nowadays is much more than a case of just talking in conversation. It can now be spread through the internet with sites such as Facebook with 94% of teens using this website to share their own views freely on the internet. This then explains why there is such a popularity of the series Breaking Bad as if many people are posting online what they think then of course other will follow and watch the show themselves just to feel as though they have to and that it is their duty as part of this generation which is completely digitally driven.

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